February 16th, 2020

Showcase Your Stuff - Don't just show it off, tell a story.

With your product in hand, it’s time to formulate a visual concept for your brand. Setting up a photoshoot to create digital assets helps tell your story and engage your customers.
Telling a Story at Threadbird

With your product in hand, it’s time to formulate a visual concept for your brand. Setting up a photoshoot to create digital assets helps tell your story and engage your customers.

Careful planning and setting goals will make sure that your products are being shown in a way that evokes the right emotions from your customers. 

Before you begin your shoot ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What story am I trying to tell to my customers? 
  • Where are these images going to be used?
  • Based on their use, what size should I shoot them in?
  • What is my goal with these images? 
  • Do you have a call to action for these images?

Once you’ve determined your narrative, the process of creating a series of images will come easily. Your story can be told through images with the use of backgrounds, props, poses, and interactions between your models. 

Curating a Lookbook 

A great way to show off your entire collection is through the use of a lookbook. A lookbook can be a downloadable file that can be made available on your website, typically released on a collection basis to show off an entire product line. 

Create a story, style your products, and take pictures to create a unique lookbook for your brand. This is a great customized way to show off and build up anticipation for your products.

Here are some steps to create the perfect look book: 

  1. Pick out which products you want to feature – Curate the perfect mix of complementary products and create a cohesive look. Brands typically release lookbooks on a product release-cycle basis.
  2. What’s your goal? – Each lookbook should have a goal. Determine what you are trying to achieve with this lookbook.
  3. Create a mood board – Put together ideas, photos you love, color schemes, and editing styles. This will help you determine the look you want to create. 
  4. Find a location – Dive deep into your mood board then head outside to find a location that works best for your shoot. Don’t forget to factor lighting and props
  5. Book models – Determine who you want to model your products and book them. Have a mix of people with unique looks.
  6. Set the shoot and get to it! – Pick a date and time for the shoot.
  7. Find your platform to create a lookbook – Since it will exist online it’s important for there to be a link that can easily be shared. You might even check out an online service that creates lookbooks like Flipsnack or Joomag
  8. Finalize it and release it – You’ve taken your pictures and designed your dream book, now it’s time to put your creation out there on your website and social media sites. 
  9. Get it to your customers – Create an email blast or a social campaign around your lookbook. Push it out to your customers so they know all about your new t-shirt drop! 

Getting Social to Show it Off! 

Being active on social media sites is one of the best ways to show off your products. The more your customers are seeing your items the more likely they are to think about them and eventually convert and buy them.

Showcasing your products is a key piece in advertising. We live in a visual age so it’s important to give your customers quality visual assets. Creating unique and consistent imagery will produce a recognizable brand presence.

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